I hope all is well. It's Melissa Nahcivan and I worked with you at Homeless Not Toothless on 2016 and shadowed you at your clinic. I was applying to dental school when I was shadowing you. I just finished my first week of dental school at UPenn Dental Medicine. It's going great and I'm very excited for this journey. As I look back, I just wanted to thank you for letting me be a part of your team and writing me a recommendation letter. I've learned a lot from shadowing you and working in Homeless Not Toothless. I truly appreciate it. I've recently seen that HNT got the Best Charity Award in Los Angeles (as many other amazing awards HNT received), congratulations this is wonderful! I just wanted to update you on my journey for the past year, and thank you for your impact on my career path. I'm very excited to be in dental school (finally!) Hope you and everyone in the clinic are well!

Sydney Sharon